New Hebrides


Archipelago (over 80 islands) in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean (the largest islands: Espiritu Santo, Malekula, Efate). The total area is 14.8 thousand sq. km. Population - 112 thousand (1979), mainly Melanesians. The capital is Vila (Efate island) - about 8 thousand inhabitants. The official languages ​​are English and French. Since 1906, the New Hebrides have been jointly owned (condominiums) between Great Britain and France. The islands were ruled by a joint administration, which included the English and French high commissioners on equal terms. In 1979, elections were held to the national. parliament, which brought victory to the Vanuaaku party, which advocated the independence of the islands. In July 1980, the New Hebrides were declared an independent republic. Its first president was Athy George Sokaman. The economy is based on agriculture (coconut cultivation, coffee and cocoa) and copra production. Fishing is developed. Since 1961, manganese ore has been mined (on the island of Efate). The main export products are copra, frozen fish and coffee. Since July 30, 1980 - the independent state of Vanuatu