Oman (Sultanate of Oman)


State in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. A separate small area is located on the northern tip of Sandam Island, on the shores of the Strait of Hormuz. Territory - 212.4 thousand sq. km (UN estimate, the borders of the state have not yet been precisely defined). Population - about 800 thousand (UN estimate, according to official government statements - about 1.4 million); over 90% are Arabs, there are also people from India, Iran and African countries. The capital is Muscat (78 thousand inhabitants.). The state language is Arabic. The dominant religion is Islam (predominantly Sunni). At the beginning of the XIX century. England took control of Oman and Muscat. In 1913, the Imamate of Oman declared itself independent from the Sultanate of Muscat, refusing to recognize the authority of England. After a seven-year war against the Imamate, unsuccessful for Muscat and the British, in 1920, the Siberian Peace Treaty was signed, which recognized Oman as independent. In 1955, the troops of the Sultan of Muscat, with the help of British troops, again occupied the Imamate of Oman. Since 1957, an insurrectionary movement headed by Imam Galeb has developed in Oman against the British colonialists and the Sultan of Muscat. However, it was not supported by the broad popular masses. From 1957 to 1971, the "Oman question" was repeatedly brought up for discussion at the UN, in whose resolutions Britain was proposed to withdraw its troops from Oman. In July 1970, in order to weaken the national liberation movement, the British imperialists ousted the extremely conservative Sultan Teymur from power and put his son Qaboos at the head of the country, who announced plans to somewhat modernize the life of the Sultanate. The British government signed an agreement with Sultan Qaboos, securing the right of England to maintain key positions in the country's economy and use the Omani airfields on Masira Island and in Salalah. In addition to England, Sultan Qaboos extensively coordinates his foreign policy with the United States, as well as with Saudi Arabia, which provided Oman in 1978/79 with loans in the amount of 900 million dollars, mainly for military needs. Oman allowed the United States to use its ports and military base on the island of Masira. Oman is a member of the Arab League. According to the form of government, Oman is an absolute monarchy. The head of state and government is Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Political parties and organizations are prohibited. The country is dominated by feudal and tribal relations. Since 1965, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman (NPLO), created by the national-patriotic forces, has been operating in Oman. The front sets itself the task of eliminating the Sultan's regime and creating a democratic republic. In the struggle against the front of patriotic forces, military assistance to Oman was provided by the Shah's Iran, and in 1979 the Egyptian President Sadat sent military assistance. The country's economy is backward. Agriculture is represented by oasis farming and nomadic cattle breeding. The main crops are date palm and tobacco. Cereals, vegetables and fruits are also grown. Commercial oil production has been carried out since 1967 (15 million tons were produced in 1979). The exploration and production of oil is carried out by Petroleum Development (Oman) Ltd., 60% of the capital of which is owned by the Government of Oman. There are handicraft workshops (for the production of fabrics, products from precious metals, etc.). Economic Development Plan for 1976-80. the development of mining and fishing is envisaged. The fish catch in 1979 amounted to about 100 thousand tons. The length of paved roads is over 1300 km (1979). Communication with the hinterland is carried out along the caravan trails. An airfield is located near Muscat, and a modern seaport is located in Matrah. The monetary unit is the Omani rial. 0.81 Oman. riala = 1 lb. Art. (December 1979). Oman exports crude oil, dried fish, sardines, dates, tobacco leaves. It imports almost all types of manufactured goods and foodstuffs. Major trading partners: England, USA, Iran, UAE, Japan, Kuwait. The standard of living of the majority of the population is extremely low. Oman has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world. The overwhelming majority of the population is illiterate.