China (People's Republic of China, PRC) |
State in Central and East Asia. Territory - about 9.6 million sq. km. Population - 970 million (1979, data from the PRC). The Chinese (boorish) make up about 94% of the population, in addition to them, there are more than 50 other nationalities. The capital is Beijing (8.7 million inhabitants). The state language is Chinese. China is one of the oldest countries in the world. For many centuries, Chinese emperors pursued an expansionist policy towards neighboring countries and peoples. They significantly expanded the territory of China by capturing and annexing Manchuria, parts of Mongolia, Dzungaria, Kashgar, Tibet and other lands. However, since the beginning of the XIX century. China itself became the object of the expansion of Britain, Japan, Germany and other imperialist powers, which, as a result of wars and a number of aggressive acts, imposed onerous treaties on the country, which actually turned it into a semi-colony. The Chinese people have repeatedly risen to fight the oppressors. This is evidenced by such major demonstrations of the masses as the Taiping movement (1851-64), the Ihe Tuan uprising (1898-1901), the Xinhai Revolution (1911-13), which overthrew the monarchy and proclaimed the Republic of China. The national liberation movement of the Chinese people especially intensified under the influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. In 1919, China was shaken by the patriotic “May 4 Movement,” which for the first time brought the Chinese working class into the arena of class struggle. In 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was created, which led the struggle of the Chinese people for their liberation, against the imperialist colonialists and the rule of the feudal bureaucratic reaction. The USSR has invariably provided support and assistance to the Chinese people in their struggle for freedom and independence. The Soviet government was the first to declare its renunciation of all special rights and privileges that tsarist Russia had in China. In 1937-45, when the Japanese militarists launched an aggressive war against China, the USSR provided the Chinese people with moral and material assistance in their just struggle. The defeat of the Japanese Kwantu army by Soviet troops in August 1945, the liberation of Manchuria and the surrender of Japan, and the transfer by the Soviet command of captured Japanese weapons to the People's Liberation Army of China created favorable conditions for the victorious completion of the people's revolution in China. 1.X 1949 the People's Republic of China (PRC) was proclaimed. The Soviet government was the first to recognize the PRC and provided it with financial, economic and other assistance in the formation of a people's state. On November 14, 1950, the USSR and the PRC signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, which played a huge role in protecting the young state from the danger of imperialist aggression. In 1949-52. The PRC government nationalized the property of foreign imperialists and the comprador bourgeoisie in the country, carried out an agrarian reform, and restored the economy destroyed by the war. In 1954, the PRC Constitution was adopted, reflecting the revolutionary achievements of the Chinese people and proclaiming the construction of a socialist society in the country. All-round assistance from the USSR and other socialist countries enabled China to carry out socialist transformations in cities and villages, and to lay the foundations of socialist industry in the country. China from an agrarian country began to turn into an agrarian-industrial state. In the gross output of the PRC's national economy in 1957, industry already gave 40% of the output against 17% in 1949. The VIII Congress of the CPC (1956) approved the general line for the construction of socialism, which provided for the construction of the foundations of socialism in China over several five-year plans in cooperation with the USSR and other socialist countries. The congress adopted the CPC charter, which proclaimed the ideological basis of the party, Marxism-Leninism. However, after the congress, petty-bourgeois-nationalist forces, led by Mao Zedong, took over in the leadership of the CPC, and they began to deviate from his decisions and pursue their own "special," nationalist, great-power course. In 1958, Mao Zedong proclaimed a voluntarist "Great Leap Forward" policy that caused a crisis in the Chinese economy. It took about 5 years to eliminate the destructive consequences of this policy and mainly to stabilize the economic situation in the country. In 1966-76. China was shocked by the so-called unleashed by Mao Zedong. The "cultural revolution", which, in essence, was another outbreak of the struggle for power in the Chinese leadership. In the course of this campaign, a blow was struck at the opponents of Mao Zedong, millions of communists were repressed, and the army occupied key positions in the entire party and administrative apparatus. The military-bureaucratic dictatorship of Mao Zedong was established in the country, the socialist gains of the Chinese people were threatened. In 1975, a new constitution was adopted in the PRC, which legalized the rule of the Maoists. With the coming to power of the new leadership of the PRC after the death of Mao Zedong (September 9, 1976), some Maoist concepts of the country's internal development began to be criticized. However, in foreign policy, Beijing's Maoist "special course" remains the same. It is characterized by hegemonism, anti-Sovietism, a split line in relation to the socialist community, in the world communist and national liberation movements, blocking on an anti-Soviet basis by the most reactionary forces of imperialism, and escalating international tension. Today, the Chinese leadership is initiating the creation of an anti-socialist "international front" based on a coalition of China, the United States, NATO and Japan. Following its hegemonic principles, in February - March 1979, Beijing committed an armed aggression against socialist Vietnam, and since the end of 1979, together with American imperialism and other reactionary forces, it has been providing military assistance to the Afghan rebels based in Pakistan, essentially starting an undeclared war against the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. As you know, it was not the fault of the Soviet side in the early 60s. relations between the USSR and the PRC began to deteriorate . The USSR did everything possible to prevent this process, to normalize relations with China. Thus, at the suggestion of the Soviet side, in 1969 a meeting of the heads of government of the USSR and the PRC took place, and negotiations are underway on a border settlement. The USSR came up with a number of other initiatives to improve relations between the two countries. However, Beijing not only did not respond to the peace-loving Soviet proposals, but in 1979 officially denounced the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the USSRand the PRC, which expired in April 1980. In 1979, at the suggestion of the Soviet side, negotiations were held in Moscow between the government delegations of the USSR and the PRC. The USSR 's policy towards the PRC was determined by the 25th Congress of the CPSU, which gave a principled assessment of Maoist ideology and politics as directly hostile to Marxist-Leninist teachings and called for an implacable struggle against Maoism, but at the same time confirmed the invariable readiness of the Soviet side to normalize relations with China on the principles of peaceful coexistence. According to the PRC constitution (the revised text of the 1975 constitution was adopted in 1979), the supreme legislative body of state power is the National People's Congress (NPC), whose term of office is 5 years. The NPC elects the NPC Standing Committee, approves the candidacy of the premier and the composition of the State Council of the PRC - the Central People's Government, which is the highest executive body of state power. At the session of the NPC (March 1978) Ye Jianying was elected Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. Zhao Ziyang was approved by the NPC session (September 1980) as Premier of the State Council of the PRC. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - founded in 1921. The history of the CCP is characterized by the struggle of the proletarian-internationalist forces, which stand on the positions of Marxism-Leninism, against various deviations, which are expressed by the petty-bourgeois-nationalist forces. The XI Congress of the CPC (August 1977) in its documents confirmed that the leadership of the party is carried out on the basis of "the ideas of Mao Zedong," announced the completion of the "cultural revolution" and China's entry into a "new period of development," to the creation of a "united front" to fight against the "hegemonism" of the USSR . This thesis was included in the text of the CPC charter adopted by the congress. Chairman of the CPC Central Committee - Hua Guofeng. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee - Hu Yaobang. The printed organs of the CPC Central Committee are the People's Daily and the theoretical magazine Hongqi. The CPC along with 8 democratic parties (Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, Democratic League, Democratic National Building Association, Association for the Promotion of Democracy, Peasant Workers' Democratic Party, Sept. 3 Society, Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League), trade union, women's, youth and other public organizations is a member of the United Revolutionary Front, the organizational form of which is the People's Political Consultative Council of China (CPPCC), a permanent body is the All-China Committee of the CPPCC. At the last session of the CPPCC (March 1978), a new charter of the CPPCC was adopted. Deputy Chairman of the All-China Committee of the CPPCC was elected. Chairman of the CPC Central Committee Deng Xiaoping. China is an industrial-agrarian country with large deposits of coal, iron ore, oil, non-ferrous metals and other minerals. The economy of the PRC is experiencing serious crisis phenomena - a consequence of the far-fetched decisions of the Beijing leadership, divorced from reality, and its policy of militarizing the country. A quarter of state-owned enterprises operate at a loss, the growth of agricultural production lags behind the increase in population, and difficulties persist in all sectors of the fuel and energy complex and in transport. The ten-year plan for the development of the national economy (1976-85) adopted by the NPC in 1978, designed to solve the problem of bringing China to the leading countries of the world by the end of the century and turning it into a militaristic superpower, turned out to be untenable. The Chinese authorities were forced to make adjustments by adopting a course for "regulating the economy", calculated for the coming years. At the same time, the Chinese authorities associate the rise of the national economy with the implementation of the strictest economy at the expense of the working people, as well as with the active expansion of economic ties with developed capitalist countries, primarily with the United States, up to the creation of favorable conditions in the PRC for the activities of foreign capital. According to the PRC, in 1979 produced: 34 million tons of steel, about 282 billion kWh of electricity, 73 million tons of cement, 126 thousand pieces. tractors, 186 thousand units. automobiles, 10.6 million g of chemical fertilizers (in terms of 100% nutrient content); produced: 635 million tons of coal, 100 million tons of oil; collected: 332 million g of grain, 2.2 million tons of cotton fiber. The number of pigs is 319 million. However, these official figures are in clear inconsistency with reality, as evidenced by the admission of the Chinese leaders at the session of the NPC (1979) that the country is on the brink of an economic crisis. Length of rail roads - 51 thousand km, motor-carriage roads - 890 thousand km, inland waterways - 136 thousand km. The tonnage of the merchant marine fleet is over 7 million br.-reg. T. The monetary unit of the PRC is the yuan. At the rate of the State Bank of the USSR (1980), 100 yuan = 42.17 rubles. The share of the socialist countries in foreign trade. China's turnover in 1978 was 15%, capitalist and developing countries - 85%. In the PRC, there is a system of strict rationing in supplying the population with basic foodstuffs and manufactured goods. According to official figures, 100 million people are chronically malnourished in the country. There are 20 million unemployed in cities.