Louis Bonaparte 1778- 1846


Louis Bonaparte 1778- 1846
Louis Bonaparte (1778 - 1846), Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, that is King Louis I of the Netherlands, the fourth brother of Emperor Napoleon of France, and the father of Louis II of the Netherlands. Napoleon forced the Netherlands to become a major country. He was made King of the Netherlands by Napoleon to rule the Netherlands, but eventually, Louis Bonaparte was forced to resign due to opposition to the continental embargo policy.

  • Nationality France
  • Citizenship of Corsican
  • Date of birth September 2, 1778
  • Date of death July 25, 1846, political specialist, King of the Netherlands birthplace France-Corsica-Ajaccio
  • Belief Roman Catholic
  • Reign of June 5, 1806-July 1, 1810
  • Heir to the throne Louis Iorno place Italy-Lily

Early life

Louis the descent of Italian nobles: The fourth son of Charles de Bonaparte, born in 1778 on the French island of Corsica in Ajaccio, February 1785, Charles Bonaparte died of cancer, Bonaparte's family life improved immediately. In August, his second brother Napoleon returned to Corsica. To alleviate the burden on his mother at home, Napoleon brought Louis to France in February of the following year and used his meager income to provide for his schooling. In 1798, he accompanied Napoleon on a campaign to Egypt, and the following year he returned to China with his brother to present the "Fogy Moon Coup." In 1804, Napoleon founded the First French Empire, and he was appointed emperor.

King of the Netherlands

In 1806, Napoleon transformed the lowly French country: the Republic of Batavia into the Netherlands and helped Louis to the throne of the Netherlands. Since Louis Bonaparte became king of the Netherlands in 1806, he has been a politically friendly man and a favorite of his subjects. But Napoleon wants the Netherlands to also take part in the continent's blockade program. Louis believed that the Netherlands was a business nation. If trade relations with Britain were completely cut off, the Dutch economy would collapse completely. Moreover, this kind of economic crisis occurred earlier in the Netherlands than elsewhere, because ever since the British annexed all Dutch colonies, Dutch trade relied heavily on British exports and British colonization. property. Louis Bonaparte, therefore, ignored the British smuggling business along the Dutch coast. When Napoleon learned of this, he became furious. In late 1809, Napoleon summoned all the kings of the suburbs of Paris, Louis was among them and asked these kings to sacrifice themselves for the sake of "depriving" Britain. These high-ranking officials of the French Empire were all devoted and obedient. Only Louis was unwilling to travel with Napoleon. "The Netherlands has abandoned the use of France as a toy," he argued. Napoleon was furious and warned: If the Netherlands did not obey, it would be incarcerated in France.

Brotherhood disunity

Louis returned to the Netherlands and soon traveled to the provinces to investigate the suffering caused by the continent's ban. The blockchain fist has put pressure on already thriving commercial and industrial sectors. Louis felt helpless and began to command Napoleon with caution and respect. On March 23, 1810, he wrote to Napoleon: "If you want to reconcile the current situation in France, gain peace at sea, or invade the United Kingdom successfully, you will not be able to achieve the goals of the blockade system. By destroying your hands. Disrespect for the most sacred rights of nations, and the first principles of international civil law are also not available. Instead, you must make them friends in France and strengthen and strengthen their allies., On the contrary, it will force more and more power because industry and the economy have all fled to the United Kingdom. but no vy ay made. It amazes me that the first method actually stops easily. have acquired preferred conditions and a much higher level of harm to them and the attempt of a friendly country to cripple the enemy country must be credible. " The letter caused Napoleon great frustration. This time, without answering Napoleon's questions, no one dared to say a word to him. Only Cambaseres, like their old counterpart in government, still retain the right to speak in public. However, after Napoleon married an Austrian princess, this Campaceres right disappeared again.

Leave the seat

During an excursion with the new sovereign toward the North, Napoleon sent Louis a long letter in the answer. The letter said: "I put you on the seat of the Netherlands since I thought I had designated a French resident, yet the means you took were by and large something very similar. I was expecting the specific inverse. I had no real option except to keep you from coming to France and remove a portion of your domain Louis, you won't manage for long Refocus and be a decent man of France. Something else, your kin will leave you, and you will be disparaged and leave the Netherlands. The French armed force entered the Netherlands under the order of Duke Te Rezo. This association instructed him as lord as opposed to Louis himself. He took steps to remain in Amsterdam. Louis understood that his government was powerless and handily lost, and the obliteration of the Netherlands was unavoidable. You have chosen to surrender this non-illustrious name. Subsequent to making an impression on the council, he gave a request for their withdrawal. After Napoleon got the news that Louis was going to be delivered, he gave an extraordinary declaration to remember the Netherlands for the French realm and was separated into a few areas, each with nearby chairmen to run the show.

Offspring of the family

His significant other is the little girl of Napoleon's girl, Otense, the girl of Ruler Josephine, and her ex Boarnet. He and his significant other have three kids: Napoleon Charlie, Crown Sovereign of the Netherlands. Napoleon Louis Bonaparte prevailed as Lord Louis II of the Netherlands.

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, later Napoleon III.

In the wake of being ended by Napoleon I, Louis had to move to Florence, while his child Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte lived with his mom in a Paris court. Commendable. On December 10, 1848, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was chosen Leader of the Republic depending vigorously on ranchers' votes. On December 2, 1851, he organized a rebellion, disintegrated parliament, and formally pronounced a state upset by submission. On December 2, 1852, the Yen Old House reported the rebuilding of the realm, and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was legislative head of France and was named Napoleon III. Marx expressed "The Eighteenth Month of Louis Bonaparte" in Walk 1852.